Media Coverage | 27-08-2024
Dialogue: Let us bring about positive change
Administration and media are the two main pillars of democracy. There is a regular interaction between administration and the media. However, with an objective to strengthen it further and make today’s journalism more effective and transparent, and thereby the democracy, a ‘Media-Administration Dialogue’ – a brainchild of chairman of editorial board of Lokmat Media Group and former member of Rajya Sabha Dr Vijay Darda – was organised recently. Issues like administration’s importance in democracy, precautions to be taken by media while reporting on administration, topics of news, how to handle sensitive issues, administration’s perception towards media were discussed in detail during the interaction held in Mumbai. BMC commissioner Bhushan Gagrani, additional chief secretary of PWD Manisha Mhaiskar, Mumbai commissioner of police Vivek Phansalkar and special commissioner of Mumbai Deven Bharti participated in the discussion. All the four officers held interactions with Lokmat Media Group team for one-and-half hours each. Editor-in-chief of Lokmat Media Group Rajendra Darda, group editor Vijay Baviskar, editor of Mumbai Lokmat Atul Kulkarni, sr editor of Lokmat Samachar Vikas Mishra, editor of Lokmat Times N K Nayak along with editors of all editions of Lokmat, Lokmat Samachar and Lokmat Times in Maharashtra and Goa, resident editors, Hello heads, crime reporters and chief reporters looking after different beats participated in the interaction. The initiative will help in strengthening rapport between administration and media, and also remove the misunderstandings and further provide a new direction while working, said the officials. Pix: Datta Khedekar