By Vijay Darda | 19-12-2022
Pakistan foreign minister Bilawal Bhutto’s uncivilised outburst against PM Narendra Modi is height of meanness
Vijay Darda
The statement made by Pakistan’s foreign minister Bilawal Bhutto against our Prime Minister Narendra Modi is so vile, shameful and indecent that I don’t want to mention it in this column. I know that better words cannot be expected from any Pakistani leader or minister for India, but it cannot be imagined that the thinking of an elected people’s representative there can be so low. Every Indian is hurt by Bilawal’s words. I would like to warn though: Bilawal, stay in your limits and mind your tongue!
Bilawal, you have forgotten that your mother Benazir Bhutto and your maternal grandfather Zulfikar Ali Bhutto always used decency in their words. They would never have imagined that a wicked son like you would be born into their family. How much hurt their souls must be! Keep in mind Bilawal that you are the foreign minister of a country that has been surviving on crumbs thrown by foreign countries. When the crumbs are no longer thrown at you, there is an outcry in your country. Who doesn’t know that you don’t even have money to feed your people properly? To repay one loan, you take another. Sometimes you jump into America’s lap and sometimes you hug China! How can I blame you, leaders, for this because the real ruler in your country is the army? Whenever the army wants, it uses you, leaders, only to dump you later. Just calculate how long the military has ruled your country and for how many days your leaders have been in power! How did you forget that these military rulers hanged your maternal grandfather and got your mother killed? Still, you are licking their feet? Shame on your thinking! Bilawal, have you ever breathed in free air? At a time when the condition of Pakistani leaders is so miserable, you have the audacity to make such offensive remarks against Narendra Modi, the most popular Prime Minister of the world’s largest democracy. This only shows your mental bankruptcy.
Bilawal, when you, others like you, and your predecessor Pakistani leaders talk about Kashmir, I feel sorry for all of you. Have you ever tried to know and understand Kashmir closely? When the Mughal emperor Jahangir reached Kashmir for the first time, he had said, “Gar firdaus bar ru e zameen ast, hamin ast-o hamin ast-o hamin ast”, i.e. if there is a paradise on Earth, it is here, it is here, it is here. And you Pakistani rulers have made every possible effort to make this paradise a hell. You and the terrorists who feed on your crumbs can never succeed. Your country has seen the strength of our Army with great humiliation in 1965, 1971 and 1999. You Pakistani leaders have forgotten that in 1971, your 93,000 soldiers had surrendered!
How dare you blame India so brazenly for terrorism inside Pakistan? Bilawal, before making such allegations, It would have been far better had you thought over the fact that out of the list of 126 dreaded terrorists declared by the United Nations, 27 are declared to be living in Pakistan. From Delhi, Mumbai, Pulwama and Pathankot to New York, London and don’t know which other cities have suffered the attacks mounted by the terrorists nurtured on your soil. When you Pakistani leaders say that Pakistan has suffered the maximum wound of terrorism, I remember a very old saying that if you keep a snake in the house, someday it will bite you too! It is foolish to have the illusion that your snake will only bite your neighbour. When your beloved Hina Rabbani Khar was the foreign minister, Hillary Clinton also used the same snake bite analogy in front of Rabbani! With what authority do you Pakistani leaders, who nurture evils like Lakhvi, Hafiz Saeed, Masood Azhar, Sajid Mir and Dawood Ibrahim, blame India?
And don’t ever talk about Islam which you Pakistani leaders and military rulers think yourself to be custodians of. There are almost as many Muslim brethren in India as there are in your country. Let me also tell you that the Muslims of India lead very happy and peaceful lives. Yes, there may be exceptions in every country across the world. Bilawal should explain one more thing: When Pakistan was formed, the population of minorities there used to be around 23 per cent, which has now come down to around 3.5 per cent. You also behaved cruelly with Bangladeshi Muslims. Even today, you are doing the same cruelty to the Ahmadiyya community! This is your character. Look at the demographic statistics of India once. Here, the population of minorities has only increased.
Bilawal, be it you or Zardari or the military ruler, I understand everyone’s pain. You people keep trying every possible way to destroy India, but you yourself are getting destroyed. India has become the fifth largest economic power in the world and soon we will be in the third position. Your jealousy is coming to the fore as India got the command of G20, and the presidency of the United Nations Security Council for one year. But my advice is that all you Pakistani leaders need to sit and think once as to why Pakistan is going into the abyss and how India has progressed. If you people have even a little bit of shame left in you, just think over what you have done to your people! Your people are struggling for everything right from food grains to water, electricity, medicines and employment. Farmers and youth stand devastated. Your former prime minister Imran Khan understood this. He is the only trustworthy leader in Pakistan but you people showed him the way out. Try to see the right path! By humiliating India, you are showing your own character. We have a culture which believes in ‘Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah’. We are moving forward and will keep doing so. We don’t care about your dirty tongue!
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