Media Coverage | 10-08-2024
Chandrakant Patil interacts with Professors of JDIET, Yavatmal
“To provide vocational education is the base of New Education Policy. Once this policy is implemented everywhere, it will reduce unemployment significantly. A self-employed generation or a generation of entrepreneurs will be developed due to this policy,” said higher and technical education minister Chandrakant Patil. He expressed his belief that this policy will give a right direction to the students.
Patil was addressing the professors and other staffers of Jawaharlal Darda Institute of Engineering and Technology (JDIET) on Friday. The programme was presided over by the president of Jawaharlal Darda Education Society, Chairman of Editorial Board of Lokmat Media Group and Former member of Rajya Sabha Dr Vijay Darda. Editor-in-chief of Lokmat Media Group and former Maharashtra minister Rajendra Darda was the chief guest of the event, while vice-chancellor of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University (SGBAU) Dr Milind Barahate, Secretary of Jawaharlal Darda Education Society Karan Darda and principal of JDIET were prominently present.
“After Mahayuti came into power in the State, this education policy is being implemented across the State. The policy aims to develop an employable generation. The stress is more on practical knowledge than typical theoretical studies. The policy also ensures that even the students of Arts faculty should also take practical education and be vocational and it also provides facilities to them to learn in their mother tongue. As the policy is new, some technical difficulties we may have to face in its implementation but I assure that all the issues will be resolved soon,” Chandrakant Patil added.
Vice-Chancellor of SGBAU Dr Milind Barahate said that Maharashtra is the first state to implement the policy. Amravati University has changed all its syllabus according to the policy and has also uploaded it on its website. Principal Ramchandra Tatwawadi expressed gratitude towards Secretary of Jawaharlal Darda Education Society Kishor Darda.
The programme was attended by Joint Secretary of the society Anandrao Gawande, president of Babaji Date Commerce College Trust Vinayak Date, Amravati Division’s Joint Director of Directorate of Technical Education Vijay Mankar, principal Dr R P Mogre, principal Dr Ram Manohar Mishra, principal Adv Dr Vijesh Munot, Director of IIL, Amravati University Ajay Lad, former vice president of Zilla Parishad Balasaheb Mangulkar, principal Dr Virendra Talreja and directors, principals and professors of various educational institutions in Yavatmal city were present.
Patil lauds working style of Rajendra Darda
“Madhurkarao Chaudhari had earned much fame as education minister. He maintained discipline in the department in a true sense. After that, Rajendra Darda made drastic changes in the education department of the State. The issue of ‘permanent unaided schools’ had become complicated and became a hot topic in the State. He took a historic decision to remove the word ‘permanent’ from it,” Patil said. Higher and technical education minister in his speech praised the work of Rajendra Darda, saying that thousands of teachers and non-teaching employees of 4,200 schools in the State have got a huge relief due to the decision.
Aim to provide education to common
people in backward district: Dr Vijay Darda
Dr Vijay Darda in his speech elaborated the objective behind the establishment of the institution. The educational institutions which were established in Yavatmal, could have been built in metro cities like Nagpur, Pune, Mumbai, etc. However, veteran freedom fighter and statesman Jawaharlal Darda established institutions providing quality education in the backward district of Yavatmal. This was done to ensure that education reaches to the last section of the society. “We give more importance to quality than money. These institutes in Yavatmal are leading in quality education today, and students educated from these colleges are working in top positions in various countries,” said Dr Darda.
State higher and technical education minister Chandrakant Patil addressing Professors and other staffers of JDIET, Yavatmal, on Friday while other dignitaries look on.