Diagnopein Diagnostic Centre opened

 Media Coverage  |  01-03-2021

At the hands of union minister Nitin Gadkari, Vijay Darda

Lokmat News Network

Nagpur, Feb 28

The ultra-modern Diagnopein Diagnostic Centre and Multi-speciality Dental Clinic was inaugurated by Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari and Chairman of Editorial Board of Lokmat Media and former member of Rajya Sabha Vijay Darda on Sunday. It is situated on the ground floor of Rajkamal Complex in front of Tilak Patrakar Bhavan.

Gadkari cut the ribbon to inaugurate the clinic along with Vijay Darda. Later on Gadkari and Vijay Darda visited all departments and took information about various equipments. 

They expressed pleasure that this ultra modern facility is provided under one roof in Nagpur and at cheaper price. They extended best wishes to the Centre. Directors Praful Kothari and Mitesh Kothari will be providing this service in Nagpur now after making medical services available in Pune. They welcomed the medical services to be provided as a service to humanity. In the beginning, Praful Kothari and Mitesh Kothari welcomed the guests by presenting ‘Puneri Pagdi’ and ‘Shela’ to the guests. On the occasion, trustee of Guru Gautam Sanstha Satish Banwat, national president of Gautam Labdhi Foundation Anil Nahar, architect Suresh Chichghare, Kushal Jain, realtor Raju Itkelwar and others were present.

‘Majhi Bhint’ book presented to Gadkari’

During the programme, Vijay Darda presented ‘Majhi Bhint’ book penned by Editor-in-Chief of Lokmat Media Rajendra Darda to Nitin Gadkari. Gadkari said  that he had heard about this book and assured to send written comments after reading it.

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Diagnopein Diagnostic Centre opened


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